Last revision of the examples provided on this page: October 20, 2012.
Last revision of the accompanying text: April 9, 2018. (only the introduction)
Dated remark: be patient, the page with all its embedded png images weighs about 5 megabytes... (wow!)

A LaTeX package: mathastext
Copyright © 2011-2019, 2022, 2023 Jean-François Burnol.

mathastext is a package to allow to use the text font also in mathematics mode, thus giving a very unified look to the produced document. As a side-effect it alleviates somewhat the problem of the scarcity of free math fonts for TeX typesetting . . . (back to mathastext.html).

Download from CTAN or from the links available on mathastext.html (which provides in particular and a nice README.html).

png images (100 dpi) in this page...

...and as pdf files
Further examples
     (latex+dvipng or xelatex+gs)
     (latex+dvipng and mainly latex+dvips+gs)
  1. Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional
  2. Fourier Utopia
  3. Droid Serif
  4. Droid Sans
  5. New Century Schoolbook
  6. French Cursive
  7. Auriocus Kalligraphicus
  8. Emerald Skeetch
  9. Avant Garde
  10. Zapf Chancery
  11. GFS Bodoni
  12. Palatino
  13. New Century Schoolbook
  14. Epigrafica
  15. GFS NeoHellenic
  16. Comfortaa
  17. SliTeX
  18. Antykwa Półtawskiego
  19. Baskervald ADF
  20. Libertine
  21. Biolinum
  22. Minion/Myriad Pro
  23. Minion Pro
  24. GNU FreeSerif/FreeSans
  25. GNU FreeSerif
  26. Libris ADF
  27. Vollkorn
  28. BrushScriptX-Italic
  29. Emerald Tall Paul
  30. Emerald Augie
  31. Emerald JD
  32. Emerald Webster
  33. Comic Sans MS
  34. Electrum ADF
  35. American Typewriter
  36. Papyrus
  37. Noteworthy Light
  38. Chalkboard SE
  39. Chalkduster
  40. Apple Chancery
  41. Zapf Chancery
  42. Vollkorn
  43. Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional
  44. Times
  45. Helvetica
  46. Venturis ADF
  47. Romande ADF
  48. GFS Didot
  49. Droid Serif
  50. Droid Sans
  51. Verdana
  52. Baskerville
PDF files with some pages as PNG images in this page:
  1. French Cursive (see the warning)
  2. Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional
  3. Electrum
  4. Droid Serif and Sans
  5. Libertine and Biolinum
  6. TX Typewriter

PDF only examples:
  1. Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional
  2. Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional
  3. New Century Schoolbook
  4. Zapf Chancery
  5. French Cursive (see the warning)
  6. Auriocus Kalligraphicus
  7. Skeetch
  8. Avant Garde
  9. Fourier Utopia
  10. Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional
  11. Zapf Chancery
  12. French Cursive (see the warning)
  13. Auriocus Kalligraphicus
  14. Skeetch
  15. Avant Garde
  16. Fourier Utopia
  17. Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional

All fonts(1) are freely available (cf. LaTeX Font Catalogue), most of them being already included in the standard TeX distributions or downloadable as ready-made packages from CTAN. In one instance (Vollkorn) the fonts were available as ttf files, and were installed for LaTeX using the otfinst script.

(1) most of the XeLaTeX's examples are with fonts provided with the system on a MacOS X machine, some use OpenType fonts included in the TeXLive distribution, and two examples use OpenType fonts bundled inside a freely distributed PDF viewer.

The examples numbered 42-52 illustrate the italic option of the package. However, when using italic letters in math mode, their protruding characteristics (most notable in the case of the letter f) often lead to overlapping problems with delimiters or other symbols (the math italic fonts reestablish sufficient kerning around letters compared to text italic).

Since release 1.3 (2013/09/02), mathastext offers \MTsetmathskips to fine-tune spacing around letters in math mode. This fixes issues with letter f, if needed. But all examples on this page were produced with earlier releases of mathastext, and this explains to some extent why only a minority among them are with the italic option.

The other reason is that the author believes that using upright letters in math mode is aesthetically more pleasing.(2) There is no reason to have such a contrast as has been practiced in scientific typography (and re-inforced as the "no way to do otherwise" de facto default for the TeX users of the last three decades) between the text and the formulas, because the text is a formula in its own right (and vice versa). And this remark is particularly valid for the italic shape, whose application is inconsistent (to the point that there are battles of «experts» about whether the `d' in `dx' should be upright or slanted, that the `x' is slanted is anyhow accepted as a definitive axiom without further discussion.) Beware of all kind of normative discourses! They are very prevalent in LaTeX community!

(2) it seems that it is only during the last few years, as a result of the widespread use of the beamer package that scientific users of TeX have discovered that math could be displayed in other fonts than the defaults, in that case in sans serif! (but again they now all use the same fonts...)

Regarding the large mathematical symbols (sums, products, integrals), nothing is done by the package. The examples in this page are either with the default Computer Modern fonts, or the Fourier-GUTenberg fonts, or the PX/TX fonts. In alphabetical order, some of the packages (that I have either looked at or heard about) providing access to math fonts (either alongside text fonts, or designed to match a pre-existing typeface): anttor, arev, ccfonts, cmbright, concmath, fourier, iwona, kpfonts, kurier, mathdesign (garamond, charter, utopia), mathpazo, mathtime, mathptmx, mbtimes, ncfourier, newtx, pxfonts, txfonts,...  The differences for some among these packages are not in the math symbols but only in the (Greek and Latin) letters in math mode. Some links:

Go to the bottom for a (partial!) discussion of Greek letters, as have been used on the present page.

The XeTeX examples are provided just to show that mathastext is Unicode compatible, but let's recall that it is only concerned with a tiny Basic Latin subrange of the Unicode glyphs; mathspec and unicode-math are packages specially tailored to Unicode and you should look at them first.

mathastext can accomodate many math-as-text fonts in the same document. This is illustrated by this (very special...) example. The preamble of the LaTeX source is here.

Regarding this web page: the png images were converted from dvi files with the help of dvipng (it turns out the outcome is at 100dpi, so they will show in your browser at their real size only if your screen device has a 100dpi resolution), and from pdf files with gs (with -r500 -dDownScaleFactor=5 to get 100 pixels per inch of the original contents). The pdf files in the middle column above were produced via latex+dvipdfmx (some with latex+dvips+gs), or via XeLaTeX. Earlier, most had been done via pdflatex (probably because it had been easier for me to do pdflatex rather than latex+dvips+gs simultaneously on dozens of files), but on 2012/10/07, I re-did them with dvipdfmx, which gave impressive size gains (indeed dvipdfmx has a compressed embedding of fonts): typically a ratio of 1 to 4, and in the case of Libertine/Biolinum, an improvement of 1 to 10! as the fonts may have changed, I re-did a pdflatex to double-check. In some cases, the pdf viewer complained of not being able to display the embedded font glyphs and I had to do dvips+gs in those cases rather than dvipdfmx.

In the first few images below, the symbols which do not match the other letters are not from the text font (mathastext does nothing for things such as \partial or \nabla or \ell or \wp). Everything following the math excerpt (the abc...z ABC...Z line for example) is typeset in math mode. The digits are in the .tex file given as $0\,1\,2\,3\,4\,5\,6\,7\,8\,9$, hence the spacings. In some instances the ``no dot j'' is absent from the font and appears as a black rectangle.

Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional

This example uses:
\MTgreekfont{lmtt} % no lgr lmvtt, so use lgr lmtt
\let\varepsilon\epsilon % only \varsigma in LGR
Typeset with mathastext 1.15c (2012/10/05). pdf
Note for experts: t1lmvtt.fd has some typos affecting the `light' series in italic shape and the `semi-bold' series (last checked 2012/10/07).

In the next image, one uses for the text the `light' variant (option `lighttt'
of package lmodern, but see the `note to experts' above)
and the math mode uses the semi-bold series of lmvtt.

Fourier Utopia (Fourier upright Greek)

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.12b (2011/02/09). pdf


Droid Serif

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf


Droid Sans

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf


New Century Schoolbook (Symbol Greek)

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.12b (2011/02/09). pdf


French Cursive (Euler Greek)
Note that there are no plus, no equal and no asterisk signs. The following warning seems to be obsolete with the latest version of the font (quickly tested 2012/12/30).
Obsolete warning: when mathastext is used with French Cursive, certain isolated letters, like the f in the example below will not display correctly in math mode. This is particularly notable on the letters r and s, which become barely legible. This happens for letters at the beginning of a word: in $rs$, s will be ok, but not r. If you really want to use mathastext with French Cursive, try to avoid r and s in math mode. If you absolutely need to use these letters at a few spots in your document, you can type \text{r} or rather \text{rs} in the example above (this requires amstext (or amsmath)). Also, note that there are no plus, no equal and no asterisk signs (at least in my copy of the fonts).
This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.12b (2011/02/09). pdf


Auriocus Kalligraphicus (Symbol Greek)

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.12b (2011/02/09). pdf


ECF Skeetch (CM Greek)

This example uses:
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{fsk}{m}{n}{<->s*[1.315] fskmw8t}{}
Typeset with mathastext 1.12b (2011/02/09). pdf


URW Avant Garde (Symbol Greek)

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.12b (2011/02/09). pdf


URW Zapf Chancery (CM Greek)

This example uses:
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pzc}{mb}{it}{<->s*[1.2] pzcmi8t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pzc}{m}{it}{<->ssub * pzc/mb/it}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pzc}{mb}{sl}{<->ssub * pzc/mb/it}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pzc}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * pzc/mb/sl}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pzc}{m}{n}{<->ssub * pzc/mb/it}{}
Typeset with mathastext 1.12b (2011/02/09). pdf


GFS Bodoni

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.14c (2011/04/04). pdf


Palatino (Symbol Greek)

This example uses Palatino (URW++ Palladio) for text and math, and Symbol for the Greek letters and various mathematical symbols. The large mathematical symbols are the default ones.
Typeset with mathastext 1.13b (2011/03/15). pdf


New Century Schoolbook (Symbol Greek, PX math symbols)

This example uses New Century SchoolBook for the Latin letters and punctuation characters in text and math, Symbol for the Greek letters, and PX Fonts for the mathematical symbols.
Typeset with mathastext 1.13b (2011/03/15). pdf



This example uses Epigrafica for Latin and Greek letters. The math symbols are from the PX fonts (epigrafica loads the pxfonts package).
Typeset with mathastext 1.15c (2012/10/05). pdf


GFS NeoHellenic

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf



This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf


SliTeX (Euler Greek)

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf


Antykwa Półtawskiego (TX Fonts for Greek and math symbols)

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13b (2011/03/15). pdf


Baskervald ADF with Fourier

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf



This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf



This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf


Minion Pro and Myriad Pro (and TX fonts symbols)

This example uses Minion Pro for text, Myriad Pro for math, and TX fonts for math symbols (Greek inclusive).
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Minion Pro}
\setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text,Scale=MatchUppercase]{Myriad Pro}
Typeset with mathastext 1.15d (2012/10/13). pdf
  (compiled with XeLaTeX)


Minion Pro (and TX fonts symbols)

This example uses Minion Pro and TX fonts for math symbols.
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Minion Pro}
Typeset with mathastext 1.15d (2012/10/13). pdf
  (compiled with XeLaTeX)


GNU FreeSerif and FreeSans

This example is set up in GNU FreeFont Serif for the text, GNU FreeFont Sans for the letters in math mode, Latin Modern Sans for the Greek letters, and Computer Modern for the large symbols and delimiters.
\let\varphi\phi % no `var' phi in LGR encoding
Typeset with mathastext 1.15d (2012/10/13). pdf
  (compiled with XeLaTeX)


GNU FreeSerif (and TX fonts symbols)

This example is set up in GNU FreeFont Serif with TX fonts symbols and delimiters.
\usepackage{txfonts}  %\let\mathbb=\varmathbb
Typeset with mathastext 1.15d (2012/10/13). pdf
  (compiled with XeLaTeX)


Libris ADF with Fourier

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf


Vollkorn (TX fonts for Greek and math symbols)

This example uses Vollkorn for the Latin letters and punctuation characters in text and math, and the TX fonts for the Greek letters (in upright shape) and the mathematical symbols.
Typeset with mathastext 1.13b (2011/03/15). pdf


BrushScriptX-Italic (PX math and Greek)

This example uses BrushScriptX-Italic for Latin letters in text and math, and PX Fonts for math symbols and Greek letters.
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf


ECF Tall Paul (with Symbol font)

This example is set up in ECF Tall Paul (with Symbol font).
   <->s*[1.4] ftpmw8t
}{} % increase size by factor 1.4
\renewcommand\familydefault{ftp} % emerald package
Typeset with mathastext 1.15d (2012/10/13). pdf


ECF Augie (Euler Greek)

This example is set up in ECF Augie. It uses:
\renewcommand\familydefault{fau} % emerald package
Typeset with mathastext 1.15c (2012/10/05). pdf


ECF JD (with TX fonts)

This example is set up in ECF JD (with bold TX fonts). It uses:
\renewcommand\familydefault{fjd} % emerald package
Typeset with mathastext 1.15c (2012/10/05). pdf


ECF Webster (with TX fonts)

This example is set up in ECF Webster (with bold TX fonts). It uses:
\renewcommand\familydefault{fwb} % emerald package
Typeset with mathastext 1.15c (2012/10/05). pdf


Comic Sans MS

This example uses:
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Comic Sans MS}
Typeset with mathastext 1.15d (2012/10/13).pdf
  (compiled with XeLaTeX on MacOS X; png images produced with gs)


Electrum ADF (CM Greek)

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.15b (2012/09/27). pdf


American Typewriter

This example uses:
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{American Typewriter}
Typeset with mathastext 1.15d (2012/10/13). pdf
  (compiled with XeLaTeX)



This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.15d (2012/10/13). pdf
  (compiled with XeLaTeX)


Noteworthy Light

This example uses:
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Noteworthy Light}
Typeset with mathastext 1.15d (2012/10/13). pdf
  (compiled with XeLaTeX)


Chalkboard SE

This example uses:
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Chalkboard SE}
Typeset with mathastext 1.15d (2012/10/13). pdf
  (compiled with XeLaTeX)



This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.15d (2012/10/13). pdf
  (compiled with XeLaTeX)


Apple Chancery

This example uses:
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Apple Chancery}
Typeset with mathastext 1.15d (2012/10/13). pdf
  (compiled with XeLaTeX)


Zapf Chancery

This example uses:
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pzc}{mb}{it}{<->s*[1.2] pzcmi8t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pzc}{m}{it}{<->ssub * pzc/mb/it}{}
\usepackage{chancery} % = \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pzc}
Typeset with mathastext 1.15d (2012/10/13). pdf



Vollkorn with Fourier

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.12b (2011/02/09). pdf


Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional (CM Greek)

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf


Times with Fourier

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf


Helvetica with Fourier

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf


Venturis ADF with Fourier

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf


Romande ADF with Fourier

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf


GFS Didot

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf


Droid Serif (PX math symbols)

This example uses Droid Serif for text (Latin letters) and math (Latin and Greek letters), and PX Fonts for math symbols.
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf
See below for an example where Droid Serif is used for the text and Droid Sans for the math.


Droid Sans

This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.13 (2011/03/11). pdf



This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.15d (2012/05/13). pdf
  (compiled with XeLaTeX)



This example uses:
Typeset with mathastext 1.15d (2012/05/13). pdf
  (compiled with XeLaTeX)


Various possibilities for the Greek letters

This section was written in March 2011, and I added a little to the discussion of the LGR encoded fonts for this current version of October 2012. The tables have been extended with the LGR encoded CM fonts, serif, sans and typewriter (part of the cbfonts).

The Greek letters can be either set up by other packages (such as eulervm, fourier, kpfonts, mathdesign, pxfonts, txfonts, ... in brief, any package setting up math fonts) or decided by an option passed to mathastext: LGRgreek, symbolgreek, eulergreek, selfGreek (the eleven uppercase Greek letters in OT1-encoding).

In the examples presented here, the Greek letters in math mode may be:


On each line lowercase and uppercase Greek letters are taken from the same font. But as TeX defaults to upright uppercase and italic lowercase, typically this will also be the default set-up when loading a package providing math fonts (for example \usepackage{fourier}), except of course for Euler and Symbol which do not exist in slanted shape. The author's packages libgreek, txgreeks, and pxgreeks facilitate the shape selection when using, respectively, Libertine/Biolinum or the TX/PX fonts.

To conclude, a table with these fonts in Bold series (sometimes the bold series is like the medium series). The Libertine Bold Italic misses the Greek glyphs (this issue arose when the libertine package, now called libertine-legacy, entered into its version number 5; note that these tables use the font files for (pdf)latex of libertine-legacy, not the OpenType font files now distributed with the package libertineotf). But the slanted shape glyphs do exist.


A PDF file including the above figures and text.

PDF Documentation of the initial version.


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